wine bottle image

Cheese Room

Pecorino Crotonese Semistagionato

Code: VAL-31416

Raw material:

Raw sheep's milk, obtained from sheep’s of Gentile race, from the pastures of Marchesato di Crotone.

Shape & Texture:

The rind is hard and its colour is straw yellow. The paste is compact with some very small eyes across. Usually butter is tearing from those eyes. The colour of the paste is light straw-yellow.


The taste is full, hazelnutty, and slightly spicy with hints of butter. The aftertaste is long, spicy with hints of natural hay and aromas of herbs.


Calabria, Italy


Half-matured (1-6 months), Long-matured (more than 6 months)


1,5-2 kg small wheels, 4-5 kg big wheels