wine bottle image

Cheese Room

Pecorino Piacentinu di Enna con Zafferano

Code: VAL-21433

Raw material:

Whole milk, raw, obtained from sheep’s of the race Valle del Belice

Shape & Texture:

The rind is like a canestrato, with the pattern from the basket the cheese is made in; the colour of the rind is golden brown while the colour of the paste is golden; the paste is firm with black peppercorns spread across

Tasting Note:

The taste is sweet, spicy, and long with hints of milk aromas; the aftertaste is spicy with aromas from the saffron

How to enjoy:

Fantastic for grilling, it is also often used for Bucantini pasta with artichoke hearts. Match with Etna Rosso.


The Piacentino Eneese PDO can be produced only with the sheep's milk coming from native races, with lamb or kid rennet bred in the area of production. The cheese is perfumed with saffron grown in production areas


Sicily, Italy


Half-matured (1-6 months)

