Fresh Vegetable

Baby Artichoke

Ref: ART-04

Italian name: Carciofini

Weight Order: 7-8 kg

Description: Baby artichokes are fully mature artichokes that grow closer to the ground, sheltered by the larger leaves on the plant. They are easy to cook and prepare because the inner fuzzy portion of the choke does not develop.

Season: Spring

Serving suggestion: Artichoke eating is a hands-on affair and another case in life where the "journey is as important as the destination"...Pull each leaf off the choke and hold the pointed end between your fingers and drag the leaf between your teeth. Most of the edible portion is on inside bottom 1/3 of the choke leaf. When you serve artichokes it's nice to put a bowl on the table for the discarded leaves unless your serving plate is large enough to stack the leaves on the side.