


The company now boasts a surface area of 110-hectares, ninety of which host cultivated vineyards. It grows ancient indigenous varieties like Ribolla Gialla, Friulano, Refosco, Verduzzo Friulano and Picolit (of which Poggiobello owns the largest portion of the Colli Orientali Consortium). Moreover, the company also grows the most known international varieties such as merlot and sauvignon , which have been cultivated in this territory for centuries. This territory is internationally recognized as one of Italy’s best for the production of white wine

Pinot Nero DOC

Pinot Grigio DOC

Friulano DOC

Cabernet Sauvignon Doc

Verduzzo Friulano DOC

Picolit DOCG

Ribolla Gialla Brut Sparkling IGP

Map of region


佛里烏利-威尼斯朱利亞(意大利語:Friuli-Venezia Giulia,佛里烏利語:Friûl Vignesie Julie,斯洛文尼亞語:Furlanija-Julijska krajina,德語:Friaul-Julisch Venetien),面積7856km²,人口118萬,是意大利東北部的一個自治區,毗鄰威尼托政區、奧地利、斯洛文尼亞和亞得里亞海。主要城市是的里雅斯特(人口:210,000)和烏迪內(人口:95,000)。 除意大利語外,佛里烏利語在整個政區也很流行,被一些語言學家當作意大利語的方言,其他人則認為它是一門完全獨立的語言。還有相當多的一部分是講斯洛文尼亞語的少數民族。